June 16, 2004

June 2004 (Vol. 3, Issue 6)

Welcome to the birthday issue of Truckin'. I started this idea two years ago and it's still here. This special issue features nine stories! Three of them are from yours truly. Three writers who helped me start Truckin' by writing for the first issue have returned. I am posting my favorite Senor story. Jessica E. Lapidus is back after a hiatus. And Truckin's favorite Brazilian correspondent, Armando Huerta, has a witty tale. This issue also has a variety of stories from three poker bloggers. The Poker Penguin, the pundit from New Zealand, a.k.a. Richard Bulkeley shares a story about a wild night in Canada. Al Can't Hang returns with a second installment of Stories from the Bar. And BG is back with an adorable story about a young girl and gambling. Before you begin, notice the brand new format. Last month, I introduced a new template. This month, each story is on it's own page. You have to click on each title's name to read the full story. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Be kind, McG.

1. A Harmonica Subway Story by Tenzin McGrupp

A one-armed, harmonica-playing pan handler slowly walked into the subway car. I did a double take. I had never seen a one-armed harmonica player before... More

2. Tequila and Bad Weed by Richard Bulkeley

"Tequila – it makes you horny"... I grinned at the bartender when Lisa returned and he gave me another conspiratorial wink. We quickly sank our tequila and left... More

3. Anna and the King Queen Suited by BG

She grabbed the cards off the table for the third time, sweeping them up and clutching them to her chest in one quick motion, lest anyone get a glimpse of anything on the other side. She peeled the corners back and saw the cards again... More

4. She Smelled Like Fresh Flowers by Tenzin McGrupp

Ivan walked into the Tavern and saddled up to the bar. Charlie quickly slid over a double shot of Stoli and a glass of ice water. Ivan picked up the vodka with his right hand and downed it in an easy, swift motion... More

5. Stories from the Bar: Road Trippin' with the Band
by Al Can't Hang

It took an incredibly long time to calm this fracas down. Four band members, a large crowd of bar patrons, and Al Can't Hang scuffling in the streets. I was alternating between peace maker, offensive lineman, and paramedic to intoxicated, hyped up, aggressive musicians... More

6. Partying Brazilian Style by Armando Huerta

Everyone on the beach is wearing white, a Brazilian custom meant to symbolize starting the new year with a clean slate. The sight of 1.5 million people wearing white and milling about on the sand is one that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime... More

7. The Tract by Jessica E. Lapidus

I was drunk and insane when I stumbled into the stinking, damp, pissed-on subway. Four in the morning. Big mistake. Three teenagers across from me seemed to be enjoying their last free weekend before the start of school. They were laughing and grinning, white lollipop sticks protruding from their swollen lips... More.

8. Baki Baki: A Miami Story by Tenzin McGrupp

I was slipping and sliding physically and mentally the entire night. Never mess with a man on a mission, lost in the fuddled reality between sobriety and utter madness... More

9. I'm Taking Off My Pants! by SeƱor

The cop leaned over and whispered into my ear, "Mr. Senor, I will not ask you to remove your underwear in this public place. However for security reasons I must ask you to let me have a peek"... More

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