February 01, 2011

February 2011, Vol. 10, Issue 2

Another issue to keep you sane for the shortest month of the year

1. Sweet T'ings by Paul McGuire
The flavor of the Bahamas ran up my nose when I unpacked my bag and caught a whiff of my dirty clothes. If you ever want a quick and last memory of a vacation spot, just quickly inhale your clothes as soon as you unpack them...More

2. Early Night by Alex Villegas
I lit up and began my prowl around the casino. As a lone hunter I had to pick my prey wisely. But this time, the prey found me. I was on the second floor of the Rio casino stumbling about when she found me. She had a punkish mohawk and was equally as drunk as I was. Maybe drunker. We locked eyes and the inebriation served as a catalyst for horny telepathy...More

3. The Almond Tree by May B. Yesno
I'm predisposed to flights of imagination at this time and these email and referrals are not helping my mental health. They stir the still, quiet, layers of the mind and bubbles rise. There's a fellow here in my apartment building I have an occasional drink with at the local watering hole and after listening to me explain the mini-crisis I was under going said I was crazy and the only thing rising was methane...More

4. Valley Girls by Mark Verve
Everyone on the set knows that she'll never rise above the status of fluffer. It's just a matter time until she figures it out. I've watched her for several weeks now as she earned two hundred dollars a day plying her trade on command. She does her work day after day with a surprising enthusiasm. It almost appears as if she enjoys it... More

5. Training Wheels by AlCantHang
In the short term I was defeated by the bionic liver of my friend. In the long term I have come close to mastering the delicate balance of hard booze versus functionality with a few spectacular failures along the way. But I now had my drink of choice... More

What a Long Strange Trip It's Been...

From the Editor's Laptop

The February issue includes the debut of a new young writer, Alex Villegas. A few veterans return to the mix including everyone's favorite rockstar, AlCantHang. We also have a fetching tale from May B. Yesno and a flighty piece from Mark Verve, not to mention a bit of travel-inspired fodder from yours truly after a trip to the Bahamas.

The contributors at Truckin' write for the simple love of self-expression, which is a clever way of saying that they write for free. I'm amazed at the bold leaps of faith that those scribes take with every story by exposing their inner souls to you. With that in mind, I kindly ask you to help spread the word about your favorite stories. Good karma and many blessings will come your way for exposing new readers to our amazing crew of writers.

Contact us if you'd like to be added to the mailing list. And if you happen to be a scribe (published or non-published) who is interested writing for a future issue, then please contact us.

Lastly, thanks to you, the readers. The long-form written word is slowly dying off, but you're keeping the spirit alive with your unwavering support for Truckin'.

Be good,

"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible." - Vladimir Nabokov

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