December 21, 2009

December 2009, Vol. 8, Issue 12

Welcome back to the new semi-Holiday issue of Truckin'.

1. Stiff Santa by Paul McGuire
The Beverly Center had one strict rule -- never under any circumstances remove the bunny head in public. That would mortify young children. Josh turned to Ritalin to solve his problems... More

2. Christmas Money for Misty by Johnny Hughes
Misty laid her best story on Sam, her road story. She was temporarily broke, like most casino folks, but she was to inherit the historic Morgan Ranch, 473 oil wells, 47,000 acres, and a bunch of cows in the Texas panhandle... More

3. The Hobby by Milton Burton
The driver himself was a small-time coke pusher and wannabe heavy metal musician named Ronnie DeLoach who would never make it big, partly because he was void of any real musical talent. But mostly this sad fact could be attributed to his very limited life span... More

4. Dick-Hole, Part II by Bobby Bracelet
Most guys will yank it twenty times a week but they won't feel their balls for lumps. I see it all the time... More

5. Absence of Fear by George Tate
The turns became hard to handle and Gatlin knew it wouldn't take much to be over a guard rail and down the side on his back, load, tractor, and all. He suddenly cleared his mind and focused on the words, "Turn off the engine, that's it."... More

What a Long Strange Trip It's Been...

From the Editor's Laptop:

The December Truckin' is late and my sincerest apologies for the delay. But hey, it's here, right? The semi-Holiday issue includes two Christmas-themed stories from Johnny Hughes and yours truly. I'm always honored to publish a story from Milton Burton. He's back with a stunning piece of fiction titled The Hobby. George Tate made his debut last issue and he returns with another trucking tale. Bobby Bracelet finishes off the second part of his penis story.

The scribes write at Truckin' for free and you'll be doing me a huge favor by helping get them well-deserved publicity. Tell your Facebook friends. Tweet your favorite story. Print up an entire issue and leave it in the bathroom at home or at work. You never know when you're in need of reading material. Please help spread the word.

If anyone is interested in being added to the mailing list or writing for a future issue, then please to contact us.

As always, I sincerely writers for sharing their bloodwork and taking a leap of faith with me. And lastly, thanks to the readers for your unwavering support.

Happy holidays,

"Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper." - Mark Twain

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