May 02, 2009

May 2009, Vol. 8, Issue 5

Welcome back to the latest issue of Truckin'...

1. Popeye by Paul McGuire
The beat up truck with Maryland plates included three large green trashbags that were strapped down in the back. A skinny woman in the passenger seat took a swig off of a bottle and handed it to a guy in a baseball hat. He took one long pull and then spit it out of the open window... More

2. Quicklube: A Fable By Milton T. Burton
It's turning out to be an A-number-one-fine day for C.C. Chumly. He and several of his like-minded buddies are quaffing a few Tall Toad Pilsners at the Belly-Up Bar, a truly classy place in beautiful downtown Midland, Texas... More

3. The Regret by David "Drizz" Aydt
My scar is buried under six feet of solid Nordic dirt and ice, among the mass headstones there's a grave marked with her name that has not been seen by these eyes... More

4. Blue No. 1 by Betty Underground
He looked up from the table and our eyes were locked. After so many years, sometimes there is no need for words... More

5. The Miracle of Highway Six by Art Rosch
Nevada is a washboard, an undulating series of mountains and valleys, and the roads cut straight across this ancient seabed. At the top of each peak, the view spreads down the road ahead, which goes in a straight line for miles and miles until it disappears into the next rise of the landscape... More

What a Long Strange Trip It's Been...

From the Editor's Laptop:

Welcome back to the May edition of Truckin' which includes a gem from David "Drizz" Aydt, perhaps one of my favorite stories in a very long time. Art Rosch is the latest writer to make his Truckin' debut with The Miracle of Highway Six. I'm ecstatic that Milton T. Burton is back with a fable and as always, Betty Underground's voice is always a pleasant and sultry mix to this month's issue. Oh, and I penned a little something inspired by a trip to Virginia.

Please spread the word about Truckin' and increase your karma tenfold by telling your friends and family about your favorite stories. The writers write for free so help me get the word about their bloodwork.

And as always, please let me know if anyone is interested in being added to the mailing list or perhaps you are interested in writing for a future issue.

Before I go, I have to sincerely thank the writers for exposing the soul to the world. Thanks for taking this leap of faith with me.

Be good,

"All great truths begin as blasphemies." - G.B.Shaw

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