November 26, 2002

What a Long Strange Trip it's Been...

From the Editor's Laptop:

I am excited for the sixth issue of Truckin'! It's a half of a year old, and I am surprised it has lasted this long! Not only has the quality of stories been improving since we first started at the beginning of the summer, but this issue has selections from NaNoWriMo novels. Thanks to the vision of the Truckin' staff, we were able to peek into the minds of two novelists and a hearty Bolivian story from Armando. I realize that this issue was lacking various voices, but I promise December & January will bring new fresh voices and plenty of more hijinks!

Again, thanks to the writers who spilled their blood and guts, and worked hard to meet deadlines to make the November issue kick ass. I am humbled and proud of all of your efforts!

Please feel free to e-mail this link to your friends, families, co-workers, cellmates, lifemates, etc. Help spread the good word about this site and the writers!

Without your help, Truckin' would be just another boring website!!

If you would like to comment or contact any of the authors, please send an E-mail to: Contact Truckin'

Again thanks for your support!
Salukis, McG

"Imagination is the voice of daring." - Henry Miller

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