June 07, 2002

The Catch Up Conversation

by Tenzin McGrupp

“You know,” she paused, “In Boston there was a bar that you would have loved. It's called Bukowski's and they have this contest. If you drink all of their 99 beers, you get a customized glass mug with your favorite writer's name engraved on it.”

“No shit? Charles Bukowski is the man. Wait, 99 beers in one night?”

“I know. You introduced me to him. And nope, it’s 99 beers over time.”

“How far are you up to? Do you get like a card stamped or something like that?”

She laughed, “I never did it! But you would have...and I always thought of you when I was in there. Yeah, you get a card. You check in when you go. They sign you off on a little checklist. “


“Yeah. If you're ever there, you should do it.”

“I think I’ll be in Boston sometime before the summer ends, so I promised my buddy Brad I’d come up before he starts work. Sweet. I’ll take a look perhaps?” I paused for a moment, then muttered, “Sounds like you think about me a lot?”

“McGrupp, I think about you everytime I pick up a pen. I have thought about you all the time over the last 4+ years.”

Startled, I retort, “But that is slightly unhealthy.”

“Why is it unhealthy?”

“Too much of McGrupp is a bad thing. I’m great in small doses, usually 250 mgs.”

‘“Well, on Wednesday night, I'll get my fix. For a short while, at least,” she reassured me.

“Yeah, you know I love talking to you, it’s always good dialogue, I might steal it for a screenplay.”

"It's all yours baby."

“Seriously no bullshit, I can’t wait to see you.”

“I can't either. And I'm only sorry I didn't hunt you down sooner. I could have really used to have you around when I got out of the hospital. You've always been so good to me, McGrupp.”

“Yeah. If I knew you were in the hospital, I would have dropped everything to come see you. I’m shocked to think that 3 weeks after I found your e-mail address, we will be seeing each other in NYC of all places.”

“Amazing. I love it!” she said in her most excited tone.

“Yeah, is it a sign?” I thought aloud.

“What do YOU think it means?”

I racked my brain to say something witty. No avail. “I dunno.”

“I think you do. I think you have SOME idea in that twisted head of yours.”

To be continued...

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